Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Easter Long Weekend Events!!!

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hello hello hello everyone!!! And what a weekend do we have planned for you! FOUR days of action packed, exciting events!! As we all recieved on the website, H1N9 created a lovely invitation with such an adorable bunny for everyone, announcing the events being held for the long weekend!

Most of these events are familiar to all of you and they are very to learn quickly. It's important to listen to all staff instructions and pay attention when the events are getting started.


Bloo's Build Battle -

Will be hosted at some point over the long weekend! But we have yet to decide when!

Spleef -

Hosted at different times throughout the day!

Drop Party -

Randomly spread out throughout the day.