Hey guys and welcome to this shorter-than-normal weekly post!
This week so much has happened and we just want to give you all a quick recap!
This week survival has taken a seat on the backburner, but don't you worry we are coming at you with some very exciting easter news soon! This week we have welcomed back the /reaction top plugin as well as swapping from Crazy Auctions back to Auction House! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled and on the forums for more information!

This week has been an eventful one to say the least,with our yearly map reset now complete,
This reset seen some new features implemented and some pesky ones removed.
I have written a detailed post on the forums that informs you all of the changes that have been made. Find it here >> Info <<
One thing that needs to be mentioned here is that we have removed the old backpack plugin and added a new one. If you had purchased a backpack in the past you will need to post on the spawner/virtuals claim thread and they will be manually added to you over the coming week
The spawner claim thread will be put up either tonight or tomorrow sometime.
We have had lots of positive feedback from the community about all of the new changes & our new spawn as well. Thank you all for the great feedback and patience while some small issues are sorted out.
As usual, If you encounter any bugs ingame or issues just let a higher ranked staff member know and we will do our best to sort it out.
As this skyblock update is coming to an end, I would like to let you all in on a small secret…
Our new features aren't finished being implemented and in the next few weeks you will be able to see exactly what they are. I hope you are all as excited as i am ;)

This week on prison we are happy to announce the opening of the long awaited Planet 11! This semi-aquatic planet is host to many magical species, including the beautiful mermaids! Be careful not to fall under their spell!
Thanks guys for tuning into this weeks brief post! We are happy to announce that another CRAFTING COMPETITION is beginning this friday! We hope to see you online soon!
<3 - _Ravioli and kuro_shibainu