Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Fun Fruity Facts!

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hello Fruisters and welcome to this week's post! There's tonnes to talk about so let's get into it!


Survival ❀ 


Skyblock ✿ 


Prison ❀ 


Pixelmon ✿ 


Players Joined: 4,514 

Players Joined: 5,672 

Players Joined: 5,332 

Players Joined: 1,402

Monthly Goal: 218% 

Monthly Goal: 295

Monthly Goal: 1% 

Monthly Goal: 113% 

Current Top Donator: 



Current Top Donator: 



Current Top Donator: 



Current Top Donator: 


Good evening Fruitsters! A quiet week in the Fruitbowl, but I am happy to announce the addition of some exciting new trails on both Survival and Skyblock! Be sure to check out the Particle Trail section of the store to find out more!

Fridays now bring Fruity Facts on ourInstagram. If you want to learn some insider tips and tricks from our very own staff members be sure to check in every Friday!

Hello Trainers! We are excited to announce that Pixelmon is running its first ever Build Competition! Every finished entry wins a token, and first place wins a prize that has never before been available on Pixelmon - An Ability Patch - As well as having their build featured in an upcoming quest! The competition will run from tonight until the 7th of October - with the winner being announced in the weekly post! We are excited to see what you can build - below is the prize structure and rules!


All complete entries recieve a Fruit Token!

1st Place

  • Your build will be featured in an upcoming quest!
  • You will recieve 1 Ability Patch
  • You will recieve $100k ingame
  • You will recieve a Special Chat Tag

2nd Place

  • You will recieve a Shiny Token
  • You will recieve $60k ingame
  • You will recieve a Special Chat Tag

3rd Place

  • You will recieve 1 Fruitsters key
  • You will recieve $30k ingame
  • You will recieve a Special Chat Tag


  • For your build to be deemed complete it must include; a house on a small hill, a tree of any kind, a small pond to fish in
  • This is a solo competition. Your build must be completed by only yourself
  • You must stay inside only ONE plot , they are 31x31 blocks
  • Be original! Do not just copy a build, make it your own!

To get started, head to /warp build and claim a plot by placing a sign down with your username on it! Good luck to all those who participate!

★ Survival ★
On Survival we are pleased to welcome three new members to our team! Congratulations on LemonDays on T-Mod and Creeperbrainz and MadiOtter on getting Builder! A huge congratulations also goes to Cheesemelt on their promotion to Moderator!

★ Skyblock ★

Skyblock is celebrating a lot this week! Congratulations to Got2Go on rejoining our team as a T-Mod and a round of applause for ellenox and Natjat for their promotions to Admin!

★ Pixelmon ★

Congratulations to SirSpectr on receiving Mod rank and to LifeOfBlu for rejoining the team as a T-Mod!
We are sad to say goodbye to our longtime builder Terra_Morphous, or as many of us knew him as, Red. Thank you for your time on the server!

We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clickingHERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events!

Please note: Events are now using Australian Daylight Savings Time. Depending on your state/country the events might be an hour earlier for you!

Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday - 

Pixelmon Event Night 

Tuesday - 

Prison Event Night 

Wednesday - 

Hide and Seek on Survival 

Thursday -  

Skyblock Event Night 

Friday - 

 FFA on Survival 

Saturday - 

Skyblock Event Night 

Sunday - 

Prison Games Night 

Congratulations to all this week's winners.

Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!


Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couple!










Want to marry that special someone?

Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.


Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.

Post your selfiesHERE

Thats it for the news this week! Have a wonderful week and stay hydrated!

Ravioli & The Event Team