Howdy! Yes, im back, again.
So, we have been having some discussion about the server release and we have two options. Not only that, but we would like YOU (the player) to decide.
So heres the situation. Minecraft 1.8 changed alot behind the scenes, this cause alot of our plugins to break. Due to this, we have to wait for developer to fix them.
We have most of the structure of the server ready to go, however its just some of the key features that are missing.
Heres a short list of some things that aren't currently working:
In-game shop (should be ready in 2/4 days)
Creative World (Should be ready in the next coming week)
Mini-games (Should be up in the next coming weeks)
Warnings Plugin (This means we will rely on banning for the first week or so)
Possibly Warp Plugin (Not sure yet)
So, the question is, what would you like?
Here are the options:
Option 1 - We open the server tomorrow in a BETA stage, missing some features, but players will still get the main feel of the server. The missing features will come as soon as possible.
Option 2 - We wait until EVERYTHING is ready, and release with a bang, fully featured and fully packed. This would most likely be another Week or so.
Have a think about it, and leave your answer in the shout box down to the left of this page.Cant wait to hear back from you all, and thanks for your input!
Regards, Eraze and the FruitSurvival Team.