Guess whos back… back again! The pasta squad, tell a friend! Yes, we are here again to fill you in with all the juicy deets. Sit back and enjoy the ride while we fill you in with all the xoxogossipgikda for this week! Lets go!
Donating Statistics:
Survival Skyblock
Players: 4,433 Players: 11, 362
% of monthly goal: 186% % of monthly goal: 83%
Monthly Top Donator: Aaron192 Monthly Top Donator: Spleggie
Beyond The Bowl:
Sadly on survival, we didn’t have any staff updates : ( But we’re sure there will be more in the future!
But on Skyblock we sadly saw 2 of our lovely staff members step down from there Moderating positions. Naneek_Mot and TashaRashVest will be dearly missed by our Skyblock and Survival team.
Many thanks to you 2 for assisting the Skyblock server and keeping those players in line... <3
If you think you have what it takes, our doors are always open! Try your luck in applying for our Builder, Event-C or Moderator role today! http://www.fruitservers.net/staff
Over on our Survival server this week, we had a very thrilling game of our much loved Thunderdome, where some of you were lucky enough not to be smited by our staff… Some of you weren’t so lucky however… oops… lets hear some results!
Congratulations Aaron192, Triki495, Harlequin675, polarbear98789, Kooka_, WittyQuip, astyn01 and Chloeeee28
On Friday we had our little sing star Bulk_Bogan singing our musical chairs songs over Discord. Goldsta was so impressed he even gave his seal of approval. This beautiful music and H1’s attempts at winning the event were just some of the highlights besides those cheeky fruitsters sitting in the lowered chairs and those tight finishes, so thanks for a great evening and congratulations to our three winners:
Aptitudes, Keagle_ and Cavynat!
To wrap up the week boat curling was ran, or slid along the ice… so that went smooth. I’ll stop with the puns and tell you that no one has the fine motor controls needed to boat curl, but they did have the skills to pay the bills, especially the winners, there names are:
Kooka_, Juicy3011, Minigud_, Siliconne, dababychicken, zeldagod1352, Hyperomicron, H1N9 and Timahh13
Selfie of the Week:
Llamas are becoming a cool thing apparently, and here’s that phenomenon landing on the front page now :O Congratulations to ShreksOgre for your wonderful selfie!

Be sure to enter your selfies here to potentially win yourself a prize! Each week we choose a memorable "selfie" to be chosen so if you think you have the instagram skills, try your luck!
Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3
No love birds this week ;(
_Lua_ | ❤ | Sylf_ |
HyperionOmicron | ❤ | xnybx |
grace14s | ❤ | oAlmighty |
Build Competition:
February's build competition theme will be Fantasy! Get your builder hats on and show us what you can pull off.
Competition Rules:
- Build must be finished by 27th February.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.
- Completed entries that don't earn a top prize will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.
To enter please go to this link: http://www.fruitservers.net/forum/m/24982408/viewthread/31644459-febuary-build-competition-entries

Thats a Wrap!
Well, thats unfortunately it for this week :( Be sure to check in every sunday night/monday morning (we get tired ok).
We hope you enjoyed!
~Lagoona and Bulk