Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0


Written by The FruitServers Team

I predict light showers, and a VERY juicy July!

Now I know what you are thinking.. Who is this armoured clown? Where is the Old Man Eraze we all know and love?

Well Nigel, I'm glad you asked. Eraze had to promote his Fruit Stand dressed in his Lemon suit as he does every Tuesday Night. He actually offers incredible deals that you wouldn't find any other Fruit establishment doing in this day and age.

But enough of that silliness. It's time for your monthly Fruitastic update! So grab your snacks, and sit back!


9000 Players

At a total of almost 5 digits of loveable, friendly players; the community has grown staggeringly since opening day in December. I am only now realising how difficult it is to find the words to describe how proud and lucky we are to have all of you supporting the growth of the server! Let's keep this juicy relationship strong and sticky like the Orange Juice you sometimes spill on your hands at breakfast.


So many of you have seen the words 'Event' and 'Manager' floating around the website and server, still with no clue at what it is about, or whether you should care for that matter. Well fear not! Beginning this Friday we will see a NEW page on the Website called Events. This page will be where your friendly Event Manager will post Weekly Updates and other fun goodies that we have planned starting this month. Stay tuned Fruitloops!


By far one of the most 'out-there' months we have had yet in terms of edits to the Staff Team, here is a log of all changes the good, the bad, and the unexpected. You may or may not have noticed a new rank in the FruitBowl. AUZombie as NETWORK-MANAGER is there to help Eraze and the community through the BETA stages of the server as we work towards a full release. It is right around the corner and the reason it has taken this horribly long is because Eraze has been working on it entirely by himself, with that comes an unhealthy amount of stress. Therefore together with this newly formed team of 'Avengers', we will slowly produce the juiciest, sugar-free Network of Australian hosted Minecraft Servers soon enough! It is only a matter of time.

We have had to say goodbye to some very familiar faces, and we have been gifted with some new. The Staff changes are as follows:

Name Changes: The following staff have taken it upon themselves to confuse you in-game and change their usernames:

vaMpeex        --> Bloo
_Entei_          --> Jefie
_XBLADEX_  --> Pebbles_
Mavinn           --> PrinceMuu

Demotions: Sadly we have had TiaTree, EZ420 and EliseSykes move on from the server after serving for an enourmous amount of time. Good luck to their endevours in school and work! They will never be forgotten. Unfortunately we have also seen Karbzee leave from the Teamspeak Development Team, thank you for all your amazing work and we expect to see you back soon enough!

Promotions: This month, we saw a massive overhaul of reorganisation within the Staff team. And even those who were not promoted, have not been forgotten. We are so fortunate to congratulate ADMIN Jefie, HEAD-MOD Goldsta, TRIAL-MOD Pebbles_, TRIAL-MOD Ched93 and MOD PrinceMuu. Make sure we congratulate these new users on their ranks, and say hello to the new faces.

Staff Applications

This month the new Staff application system will begin to be in play. Essentially, we will only be opening the Staff application for the five days of each month. This will give all serious users the chance to apply, and will give us the right amount of time needed to then review these applications, and organise selected users for Teamspeak Interviews. Further information on the system can be found on the Application page.

Applications open NOW until Wednesday the 8th!


On a seperate note; we are gathered here today to congratulate and acknowledge those who play a big part in what happens behind the curtains here at FruitServers. Sure they don't have 'Staff Ranks' so to speak, however they are responsible for an enormous part of the enjoyable factor that we can see as soon as we connect to the server. Thank you for all your brilliant and professional input! And please, if You, that's right, YOU, believe that you can contribute or help improve the community in any way it's as simple as posting a suggestion on the forums. If you really want to leave a footprint, feel free messaging either me or Eraze. We love it!





Congratulations to these winners! To be next months winner, you'd better start voting! Please contact Eraze via a website message to collect your prize.

Golly-gosh! Voting is such an easy way to get ahead on the server. Not only are you rewarded immediately with Keys to use on Crates at spawn, but you also can stack up your points to spend on the website Vote Store! And not only that.. The three people who do it the most get Vouchers!! I guess you could say it's a win-win-win.


This section is dedicated to players that strive to be better, and are dedicated to the server. Each winner will receive their head on the Podium of Greatness at spawn for the month of July, and an awesome Forum badge for you to collect.

Mobbmaster has made it clear he is here to be as jolly as possible to everyone he interacts with on the server. Only positives things can be taken back after a time with him on Teamspeak. It is that positivity we value most in the community. You continue to spread the happiness and it lightens up our spirits like a fire.

Well. This is the first case of a player to win both awards within two months consecutively! If you spell out 'responsible' I'm sure you will find Goldsta in there somewhere. When he is online he is showing leadership like the Prime Minister should be, and when he is offline he is typing on Skype making sure everything is in check. This outstanding baby cow is an incredible role-model, continue being an awesome cog in the community's gears!

Well what can I say? We have some extrememly talented builders here walking among us, it's miraculous they haven't been hired yet.. Anyway an immense thank-you for making this month's competition so difficult to select the winners. All entries were amazing and very creative. Let's push it up a gear for next month's one!


This months building theme is 'Hell'. you can take this in any way you like and/or do what you wish with it, just make it creative!
This month the build comp will be held in the Creative world, so grab those flint and steels and let's make a sacrifce to the Lord of Light together!

Competition Rules:

- Build must be finished by the 30th of July- Users MUST work individually- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be created in the creative world- Only one entry per user


The prizes for this month are as follows -
1st Place: $20 Store Voucher and $7000 in-game money2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher and $5000 in-game money3rd Place: $10 Store Voucher and $3000 in-game money.How to post your entry:
To post your competition entry, simply create a warp and post it in the comments section of this post, or write the co-ordinates.

For more information, consult the EVENTS page!

And that was all she wrote folks! Make sure to ask Eraze about his Fruit Stand, he sells the good stuff.- Love from your sneaky super hero, Auzzy! x