Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

November Monthly Post

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hello again Fruity Family, Ahtnamas80 here bringing you this months installment of news from around the fruitbowl.  But first, I have an important question, what happened to November??

As many of you know the new minecraft update has now released, and I know everyone is eager to know what that means for their favourite servers!  For now, we need some time to wait for important plugins to update and things to be optimized for the server, we will let you know more as soon as we can, it is a very exciting time for Minecraft!  Do not worry, while you wait for more info on the update, we have plenty of things to keep you busy this December!

The trees are decorated, the bells are ringing, there is a sparkle of magic in the air!  We have lots of festive activities to keep you in the Fruitmas spirit this year.

Festive Events

Santa and his elves have been hard at work giving our daily events a jolly make over, join us each night at 8pm for lots of snow, candy canes and fun!

Advent Calendar

One of the best things about Christmas is being able to eat chocolate every day!  We have bought the fun to Survival, Skyblock and Prison, and while you wont get chocolate everyday, be sure to check it out daily for a little pressie!

Festive Art

This Christmas we have a wonderful event planned for you lot! Another Christmas Art competition, we want to see your artful abilities this time round. Showcase an artwork of how you are celebrating this holiday season to win a voucher for a token item on the server of your choice! There's no limit on how you make your artwork, so let your imagination go wild, show us what you got!

Submit your entries through either the website or discord to St0nkatr0n or demski before 6pm Friday 24th December. The winner will be announced by new years time!

Submit via discord to demski#8630 or Stonks#4346

Submit via website - Demski or St0nkatr0n

Prison will be celebrating Fruitmas in it's very own Christmas Planet! Opening Sunday the 5th of December after events. Players will be able to participate in the Word Search, Christmas Parkour and Staff Head hunt and collect their daily Advent Calendar Rewards from Planet 0 starting from December the 1st which will move to the Christmas Planet when it's open. Make sure to claim your reward every day for a Special prize on the 25th day of Christmas. We have plenty of Christmas Events planned including; Hide and Seek, Corners, Spleef, Dodgeball, KOTH and Soccer!

Woah! November went by quick! We say goodbye to November, and HO HO HO to December! Prison is excited to bring you some Holly good Christmas Themed events! New Items have travelled their way into the Wandering Trader's backpack so make sure to look for him on Planet 10! The Monthly Quest for the Monthly Key is also on Planet 10, talk to the Sentinel to start your Quest!

Join us at 8pm as we kick off this years festive season with the opening of the Fruitmas Village!  There will be fireworks, carols, games, and even the chance to take a selfie with the big man in red!   We will finish of the fun with a few rounds of Thunderdome, so make sure you don't miss it.  I would also like to say a BIG thank you to all the staff who helped put the Fruitmas Village together, you have done a wonderful job!

★ Donations ★

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed this month, your donations go towards continuing to develop fun new content for everyone.

★Vote Competition★

Reminder to everyone that votes are tallied up for the post a few hours before the end of the month so sneaking in a couple of votes right at the end may not help.

Keep up the great work everyone, please message a Community-Manager or H1N9 to redeem your voucher.

★Top Players★

FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from each server are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Demski is a very dedicated and hard working staff member, who brings her best to everything she does.  The last few months have been no exception as she has worked tirelessly to help put together all our amazing Fruitmas activities.  She has helped support the entire team working on this months events, and made sure everything came together ahead of schedule.  Thank you Dem, you have helped make this Fruitmas magical!

Natjat is an extremely dedicated staff member, and has shown very high motivation for the server in the last few months. This month in particular, Natjat has excelled in all areas whilst maintaining a contagious sense of purpose and motivation. Thank you Natjat!

Sir_Puddin has been a great addition to the team! From his astounding activity, hard work and effort to helping players, to his great ideas to make the server better, Puddin has most definitely earnt Staff of the Month, and I can't wait to see what else he has to offer.

Benjabot is not just a skilled developer, but also shows a passion for improving the server. Benja has come forward with many creative ideas and improvements on a technical level for our server, and his dedication to Pixelmon has made everybody more confident as we move closer to taking the daunting leap from 1.12 to 1.16. Thank you for your endearing support Benja!

RedPanda0066 has gone above and beyond to make sure everyone on survival is having a fun and enjoyable time. Whether it be joining in on events, engaging in discussions or helping out players, Panda is there to keep everyone entertained and well settled. Congratulations RedPanda0066!

Player of the Month - Skyblock (image coming soon)

StayToasTi has been a positive influence in all aspects of the server this month, from their participation in events to going out of their way to assist new players. Thank you for your dedication to the server, and congratulations Toasti!

AbsoluteBad has been very active this month, and we acknowledge their efforts for helping players learn about prison, and this month we are rewarding them with Player of the Month, congratulations and keep up the great work!

GodlyIngressus has been a wonderful member of our community for several months now, and their time is often spent helping out others and ensuring that everyone is enjoying their time on the server. Even though they are connected from Mars with their insanely high ping, we congratulate them for this well deserved award!

We have reached the end of another monthly post, it is hard to believe that when you read the next one it will be 2022!  We have a busy month ahead of us, and lots of fun times to come.  I hope you all have a fun and safe silly season, and make sure you pop by and say "Hi" when you see me around.

Merry Fruitmas!