Well guess who it is!? Don’t really know who you were expecting… It’s the one and only Pasta Squad back at it again of course : - ) It’s a roller coaster of a ride this week so I hope you don’t get to bored of our rambling! Lets get into the xoxogossipgikda!
Donating Statistics
Survival Skyblock
Players: 5,494 Players: 12,005
% of Monthly Goal: 189% % of Monthly Goal: 12%
Current Top Monthly Donator: Spleegg Current Top Monthly Donator: Spleggie
Beyond The Bowl
Survival was a bit lonely this week with no new fruitys joining the team :( But skyblock however had a few updates to there already wonderful team
_Godfrey_ went from Moderator to Mod+, _Asc_ went from T-Mod to Moderator, xLocox unfortunately left the team and Jaadie was promoted to T-Mod :D
Make sure to congratulate these flops and send a hello to xLocox when popping around :)
If you think you have what it takes to be a Moderator, Event-C or Builder rank, try your luck in applying! Our doors are always open and we’re always looking for people to bully- i mean be friends with
Join us every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for some fun filled events!
Lets start off with Boat Race shall we!?
Congratulations to yarrum00, XxX_Z3L0R1UM_XxX, Mennelaus, BobTheSkull, LifeOfBlu and a team round, LifeOfBlue & DatKillerChalk!
Nexttt upp… Corners! Where 4 of you were lucky enough with your guessing skills to win a round each!
Well done to NaaTilly, Plasma_Fighter, Xiphias88 and SimpleDF!
We had some big booms aswell, Tnt Run!
Congrats to H1N9, Spleegg, hypractiv_, SpaceManJ0E, Thlingo, TimelessKing, yarrum00 and Glacie!
Finally we had a couple rounds of Cart Crash to finish off a wednesday night :)
Round 1 & 2 were both won by the red team, consisting of:
NaaTilly, Cahms, TimelessKings, nattjack, dababychicken, Juicy3011, GamingPro25, Music_Man_inaPAN, Mennelaus, CxndySoups, Spleegg, T_Emmie_ & Wolfette85
Congratulations to all our winners over the past couple of weeks!
Selfie of the Week:
For everyone who wonders what goes on at these staff meetings, its only important things obviously : ) Congratulations Sparkly_Bubble!

Be sure to enter your selfies here to potentially win yourself a prize! Each week we choose a memorable "selfie" to be chosen so if you think you have the instagram skills, try your luck!
Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3
Starstrikerzz | ❤ | LottyPlayzMC |
Spleegg | ❤ | Benchy |
Monstrexx_ | ❤ | Wolfrexx_ |
Kanade_Akiyama | ❤ | SireRift |
Bulk_Bogan | ❤ | emdelacreme |
XxX_Z3L0R1UM_xXx | ❤ | Fythernz |
Harlequin675 | ❤ | AtticBumbo |
Ogge886 | ❤ | CreeperMeeks |
Mimosa2 | ❤ | _Bunnyy |
ook03 | ❤ | Pengu07 |
Spleegg | ❤ | Benchy |
Ink3d_ | ❤ | Benchy |
GREENR0B0T | ❤ | comegetsome66 |
Arachnea_ | ❤ | epicwhiteninja |
DemonicDabbler | ❤ | Jennyanydots123 |
Build Competition
March's build competition theme will be Byzantine! Recreate the beauty of some of the world's most exotic infrastructure! Or just rebuild what you saw in one of the Assassin's Creed games. Your call.
Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 30th March.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.
- Completed entries that don't earn a top prize will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.
I've been bullied into this but rawr xd (thanks spoopybrekookie) now I am sad pasta squad.