Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

School Starts Soon...

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hi there fruitsters! Its Lagoona here on behalf of Bulk tonight as his computer decided to flop out on us tonight, f to pay respects. But no time to waste as we have news to tell! Lets jump on into it...

Donating Statistics

Survival:                                             Skyblock:

Players: 10,809                                  Players: 3,450

Monthly Goal: 695%                          Monthly Goal: 367%

Top Monthly Donator: darkkronz       Top Monthly Donator: bearneccsity

Beyond the Bowl:

It’s been another busy busy week in the land of fruit, as usual a lot happens on and off stage, specifically someone dancing on stage I’m sure :) .

Besides that there’s not a lot of exciting behind the scenes things to share. However, I’d like to congratulate my new partner in crime, Lasagna I mean Lagoonaa back to the role of Event-C I look forward to working with her and hope you enjoy her in the role with me.

On a sadder note we must say good bye to Spike_M from his role as Mod+ on Fruit Servers. We have appreciated his work starting from his short time as event-c to his wonderful work as moderator, be sure to thank him and send him your best wishes for wherever he goes in future. We hope you’ll stick around and say hello sometimes, you’ve been a great member of the team.

The staff team are always looking for more hands. If you have the skills to pay the bills feel free to apply, we’re looking for all 3 roles of builder, event-coordinator and moderator.


On Sunday we kicked off a third event evening on survival, starting with our first minigame, Family Feud!

We threw our brains together to find the most popular answers. Congratulations to: Demski, derangedturtle, nattjack, glacie, aptitudes and Jules_shredz. Unfortunately the staff won their round, which is a bummer cos they were doing so pitifully.

The rest of the week consisted of prop hunt and Corners on survival, prop hunt took many people on a hunt to everywhere on the server, congratulations to those speedy fingers on kzxo500, Sleepy_Ninja and Aptitudes.

Corners continued on, unfortunately I was unable to be there, but I know it was a great time as always! Well done to the winners: Naatilly, LifeOfBlu, Wolfette85, seadog_, NerdLord, Serestra.

Thank you survival guys for a great time this week at the events.

On skyblock we had a tonne of fun with corners starting off the week, the successfully captured winners were: jadieee, Emyyybro and xnybx.

On Saturday the rounded out their week with a deadly time in Death Run, those who can avoid death were well deserving of their prizes, well done misteramzing, Sirr_DeadlyFeet, Spleggie.

We hope you’re enjoying events and aim to improve them in every way possible, thank you for coming and we hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Selfie of the week:

Selfie of the week is the best way to share your cool stuff on the server, cos I know you're all busy, and get a free token along the way. Thank you to all entries as I love looking at them all.

Congratulations to the watermelon man Brekkie!


Survival -

gummykitty ❤ taylor465

aussietacos ❤ FunkyLove

Jadieee ❤ Spleggie

nattjack ❤ dababychicken

Skyblock -

cloutbaby ❤ ColourfulStorms

misterclout ❤ lesbyn

IceWolfie_ ❤ Shruuub

ypap ❤ Hollow_85

zazabwe ❤ wizard9802

Build Competition:

Rejoice, we've decided to bring back the build competition for 2018! January's theme will be something a little simpler, we hope to receive dozens of entries! The theme we've chosen is mediterranean, an example image should give you an idea of what sort of build we're after if you're not so sure what it's about. Remember there won't be any prizes distributed unless we get at least 5 entries.

Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 31st January.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.
- Completed entries that don't earn a top 3 place will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.

Still plenty of time to enter, get those creative fluids going and get building.

Thats a wrap!

Well, I guess thats it for this week! I hope you enjoyed and lets hop Bulk comes back to life soon! I look forward to Bulk_Bolognese and Lasagna's Pasta mania ;) Ciao ciao for now!

~ Lagoona & Bulk