Did you know September comes from the Roman word 'sept' meaning seven, because in the Roman calendar it was the seventh month back in the day. Hang on, who actually likes History? That's right, no one. Oh and by the way check out what we have for you this month!

11900 Players!
Marvellous! The number of players we invite to this extraordinary server means more fun for everyone. As the community expands, so do our friends and FruitServers has a habit of turning those friends into the close family that we have at the moment. Let's keep the numbers rising, and make all our new players feel warm and welcome!
Donation goals
Another fruitacular month of collective community support reaching 629% over our donation goal! Our trusty friend Geekxboy has been working day-in day-out on the 'Fruit in the Sky' for you nuggets. On his weekly coffee break from coding in the Matrix he hinted at something that may help him pick up the pace; let's all spread the -
A BIG thank-you to the talented MrsZombiie for her meticulous eye for detail and creative itch. She has an incredible artistic taste and will sacrifice hours and hours of sleep until the build is pretty; however they never manage to be as pretty as her. If you'd like to check out the new area, visit /warp statistics. Make sure to thank her for it and all the toils she has gone through to bring you an extremely sexy looking Survival Spawn.
Congratulations to these winners! To be next months winner, you'd better start voting!
- Goldsta 50 Votes $15 Coupon
- Snowgies 50 Votes $15 Coupon
- ImBriezy 48 Votes $15 Coupon
- Coupons
Coupons are being introduced to FruitServers. This invloves a completely automated and efficient system of handing out Coupon rewards as opposed to the previous voucher approach that was previously in place. Here you will recieve an Enjin message of the Coupon Code which will consist of a series of letters and digits. Simply browse the store for your desired item, add it to cart. Before checking out there will be an option to let you enter a code providing you with it's benefits. There will be a further in-depth tutorial on the forums later in the week.
Golly-gosh! Voting is such an easy way to get ahead on the server. Not only are you rewarded immediately with Keys to use on Crates at spawn, but you also can stack up your points to spend on the website Vote Store! And not only that.. The three people who do it the most get Vouchers!! I guess you could say it's a win-win-win.
Vote for FREE perks and items at http://www.fruitservers.net/survivalvote
A reminder that TeamSpeak is where the true colours of FruitServers are truely shown. When people from all over the world, of all ages come together to play Minecraft and actually hear eachother's voice, magic happens. Also new Temp Channels are now available with a step-by-step tutorial on how to make them, so get up to some foolishness in there! If you are having any issues connecting to the Teamspeak or making a Temporary Channel for yourself please let a Staff Member know.
Join us on TeamSpeak at: ts3.fruitservers.net
Top Players

A hugely competitive player, iMeoww shows the community she means business. She's the first to jump in and have fun at anything, regularly on in-game and the forums, the nominations in the new Forum system for Player of The Month proove she is a worthy player. Thank-you!

Mobbmaster is a dedicated and involved Moderator. Righteous till the end, he has shown multiple times that he will not cease until the issue has been resolved in a correct manner. Quick to act and polite like he doesn't know Evil, Mobb is a pleasure to have on the team, keep up the beautiful work!
Name Changes
The following staff have taken it upon themselves to confuse the hell out of you and change their names.
KingGoldsta --> Goldsta
QueenSnowgies --> Snowgies
Gamerbabe --> MrsZombiie
This month we say a very sad goodbye to our beloved Jefie. Although he was a quiet achiever he got an unimaginable amount of work done for the community and his work ethic will always be recognised within the team. Hopefully if his school workload and commitments decline we will see him return. Thank-you once more!
On a lighter note, I'd like to congratulate the successful inductions of Snowgies and Eonasio into the Moderating Team! May you treat them with respect as they continue to guide and preach the Gospel According to Fruit. And a terrific first few weeks with the brand new Event Team; Jylon and Zaffy_! Although there have been minor hicups here and there during the Events they have been learned from and only ensure that the future will have minimal mistakes and a more enjoyable time! It's early days still, but I think you will thoroughly love what is planned this coming week.
As with previous months we are opening 3 Application forms only for the first week of the month. These are: Moderator Application, Event-Manager Application and the Builder Application. These forms can be found on the Staff Page.
Staff Applications open NOW until Saturday the 8th!
A decent effort in last months FairyTale Build Comp. I know it was a tricky one, but let's make this one a ripper!

Please contact AUZombie regarding your Prizes!
This months building theme is 'PixelArt'. you can take this in any way you like and/or do what you wish with it, just make it creative!
This month the build comp will be held in the Creative world, so make sure you go and grab your favourite cartoon 2D characters and
Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by the 30th of September- Users MUST work individually- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be created in the creative world- Only one entry per user
1st Place: $20 Store Voucher2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher3rd Place: $10 Store VoucherHow to post your entry
To post your competition entry, simply state on This Post that you will be entering/have entered the competition.
For more information, consult the EVENTS page!
Thank you for tuning in this month Fruitlings! May next month be a cracka.- Written by that cheeky skin stealing Zombie; Auzbub <3