Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Staff Appreciation <3

Written by The FruitServers Team

Good evening fruits and fruitettes! It is the #PastaSquad here this week, back and better than ever!

On behalf of all staff we’d like to thank H1N9 and all the players for a wonderful staff day and staff messages.  It’s been a wonderful time working with everyone and giving you the best server possible.

Donating Statistics




Players Joined: 8,336

Players Joined: 2,241

Players Joined: 574

% of Monthly Goal: 251%

% of Monthly Goal: 293%

% of Monthly Goal: 287%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:



Staff Updates:

I hope you’ve been, surviving (haha get it).  Well let’s get into it with our staff changes for this week.  Congratulations to SimpleDF who’s been promoted to Mod+ and Acaciiaa who’s become our new t-mod!  Unfortunately we’ve had to say good bye to everyone’s favourite mean green ogre machine, ShreksOgre.  If you feel like you’re a good ogre or have what it takes to help out as a staff member, apply apply apply for moderator, event-c or builder at https://www.fruitservers.net/staff


Over on survival we’ve brought back FFA and had a great time whacking each other!  Congratulations to LifeOfBlu, Budddii, Kairinezz, Kostyansa and Spleggeti. Well done everyone who participated and the winners.

Unfortunately Friday’s musical chairs didn’t have Bulk’s singing as the music, but an angery llama attacking redquartz and h1 trying his hardest.  Well done to the winners of musical chairs: yarrum00, Glacie and dababychicken! Well Done to y’all!

Finally Bulk made some rukus at Simon Says!  4 players took out victory in picking out the most popular corners, the winners were: Lagoonaa, Armisael, Spleggeti & Kairinezz!


Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3








Hi guys/girls, Its Godfrey here, bringing the news from Skyblock!

Sadly there isn’t any staff news this week so we will move straight onto the events. D:


On tuesday we had some BINGO! These lucky players are SHAEE, Z3gendaryX, LifeOfBlu, Spleggeti, Aba_Squido, ItsSneakMoo, NGGSoulStopper, Joodicate, Budddii & Silverfall11!

On Thursday we had: THUNDERDOME! Survivors include: Z3genaryX, Joodicate, Duinhir9, ItsSneakMoo, OzHomer and Ascc!

Saturday night was a fun Corners event night with some winners! FraxinusSamara, Sparkly_Bubble, Silverfall11.


Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3









See yall next week!



Staff Updates:

So so so, I hope you’ve had an exciting week on our Prison server! We have a few updates this week for us to share with you! We had 2 special staff members move up in their roles. We saw the promotion of LifeOfBlu to T-Mod and WittyQuip finishing her Trial-Mod phase and being promoted to Mod! Congratulations you 2!

Change log:

Now since we don't have events on prison, we figured we would update you on the changes we have been doing to prison over the week which I'm sure a couple of you would have been dying to hear!

  • Addition of Planet 4!
  • Addition of Planet 4 Boss and Mobs, more arriving shortly!
  • Addition of chat tags (Found in the prison online store)
  • General bug fixes for all planets and vehicles!
  • Planet 1 Boss should no longer crash players!
  • Adjustment for kits!

Server Announcements

Selfie of the Week:

Congratulations to LifeofBlu for your wonderful selfie with our lovely Mumski!  We hope you all had a wonderful time with your mothers. Remember to enter your selfies for the chance to win a token!  Keep sending in those selfies for us!

Build Competition:

May's build competition theme will once more be something we haven't explored before - Western! Gunslingers rejoice, this month you get to show us your interpretation of the Wild Wild West! We're looking forward to seeing more incredible entries

Competition Rules:

- Build must be finished by 30th May.

- Players are restricted to working individually.

- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.

- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.

- Only one entry per individual.

- No pixel art!

- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.

- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!

- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!

- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.

- Completed entries that don't earn a top prize will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.

Hope y'all enjoyed! See ya next week!

~Pasta Squad