Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Survival Map Wipe – Friday 9:30 AEST

Written by The FruitServers Team

Dear Fruitsters,

Once again it has come time to say goodbye to the current survival map and give everyone a chance to start afresh! This map wipe is primarily designed to fully implement the changes of 1.11 such as the Woodland Mansions and llamas and allow us to introduce some juicy new content over the course of the holidays. So, take the next few days to say goodbye to a map that has treated us well and then get prepared for a whole new adventure!

What will not be kept in this map wipe?

Inventories, chests, balances etc

What will be kept in this map wipe?

You will be keeping all ranks and perks though that you have purchased.

You will be able to claim your spawners for the first two weeks of the next map.

What time will the map be wiped?

I will put on the awesome new map this coming Friday starting at 9:30 AEST. It should take 1-2 hours to make everything perfect before you guys can join again.

Build Transfers

Like last time, I am happy to take over selected builds to the next map. The depend on size and location so please send me a message on the website so that I can check out your area ingame. Get more info here on a build transfer. Build transfers must be decided on by Thursday evening.

Builder Applications

If you have been working on a builder application, please make sure it is submitted by Friday! Even if you have not finished your work, we can judge it based on what you have done so far.

Blowing Things Up

I know many of you would most likely want to blow some stuff up in these final few days. I understand this urge, but would appreciate if you only blow up stuff you own. Doing it to other peoples areas is still considered griefing.