Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0


Written by The FruitServers Team

Hey there fruitloops, Losh here for the weekly post so screw your head on tight, sit back, and enjoy some light reading. Put on your glasses if you need to.


Survival Stats -

  • Number of players joined: 5030
  • Current monthly donation progress: 342%
  • Current monthly top donator: Sarianos

Good work survivalists!

Skyblock Stats -

  • Number of players joined: 4357
  • Current monthly donation progress: 94%
  • Current monthly top donator: staffii

So close to that 100%!

Fruity News

Event-C Testing!

You may have noticed the increase in events being held during this week, that’s because we’re putting our Event Coordinators to the test to see how they measure up against the pressures of hosting events on a big scale! Make sure to come along and participate, have some fun and wish the applicants good luck on their journey to Event Coordination.

Anzac Day!

Tomorrow, Monday the 25th is Anzac Day and we’ve got a special event in the form of Bloo’s Build Battle at 8pm. We hope you come along to participate and earn yourself an Anzac Poppy, and potentially some Anzac themed prizes! May the best team win, and lest we forget.

Staff News!

As of today... Mall_Cop and Quackum have passed their trial! They're full-on mods now, so head over to Skyblock and congratulate them!

Server Box Moving!

FruitServers is growing… and technology can’t keep up! So we’re going to be moving the server to a new box with 64GB of ram, a better processor and SSD to keep you fruitloops happy and connected! The move is happening on the 29th of April, a Friday morning. More details about this will be posted closer to that time, and the server will be taken down for a couple of hours. MCMMO will also be disabled sometime this week for 24 so we can do some login lag testing. Not to fear! A small wait for a nice difference… hopefully we can sort out those lag issues for you.

Just a reminder, if you find any bugs or glitches with Minecraft itself or the plugins on the server, don’t be afraid to place a ticket or make a staff member aware. You can help us make the server better!

Notable Weddings!

Do you feel incomplete? Do you feel lonely? Click here to find Fruity Singles near you! Just kidding… but if you do find the love of your fruity life, feel free to ask a staff member to join you and your love in fruity matrimony!

Let’s wish good luck to these newlyweds…


DepressedCow + Chlohan

Darkwolf9 + _RosieMay28_

NotJylon + Artemis_Wielder


Aphroditie + EZ420

Eiar + Sunhorse9

Mungobrush + jimjamtiger

Mall_Cop(or Staffii) + Evenis

SunoKelly + KaleWesker

Flat_Cat + Quackum

W0LF_BL00D + ColourfulSkies

Bulk_Bogan + unicorn_cookie12

Lagoonaa + SparkleyChloe

W0LF_BL00D + Eiar

Evenis + TChaIla

alfonzo27 + Jusstin_


As well as our usual Friday Night Fun, Event-C applicants have been working hard to host their events and satisfy the crowds! Don’t forget about the Anzac Day Event as mentioned above, Bloo’s Build Battle. Make sure you keep your eyes on the events page so you know what’s happening and when, so you can get in on the action! Event Recaps are also posted there in case you missed out and want all the juicy details.

This concludes your weekly post, we’ll see you next week!

- Losh