Written by Goldsta


Hello, and welcome to another monthly recap! This is your host Goldsta updating you on everything that’s happened throughout the month of August. As usual the server has witnessed a slew of changes in a relatively short time, it’s time you caught up on everything that’s happened with this little recap!

-Fruitbowl News

Player Statistics

Survival: 8570 Players

Skyblock: 290 Players

Voting Winners

Well done to these dedicated voters, you've each earned a store voucher to spoil yourself (or others!).

Build Competition

The theme for August's build comp was Disney! Unfortunately we were a bit disappointed with the lack of complete entries this time around, so we've decided to distribute only one voucher for this competition.

The next build comp will have a few unique twists that we hope will entice players to participate. September's build competition theme is 'World in a Jar', and will be held in the survival world. Skyblockers are also encouraged to enter their submission from their island this time, we're excited to see what people come up with! On the survival world, players will need to work individually. On skyblock, players may work with anyone they've invited to their island.

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 30th September

- Players are restricted to working individually on survival and with their co-op partners on skyblock

- Build must be completed in the Survival world or on your Skyblock island

- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things

- Only one entry per individual/island

- No pixel art!

- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

Prizes - These will count towards your rank

1st Place: $20 store voucher

2nd Place: $15 store voucher

3rd Place: $10 store voucher

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment either on this post or one of the following weekly posts stating so, or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.


If you've won a voucher, please speak to  H1N9 or a Community Manager about redeeming it. We've changed the vouchers up once more, you'd be elated to know the build competition vouchers will once more count towards your rank! If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up.

Top Players

Fruit Servers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month survival - DatGurlJadey. Jadey, who was known as GlitzyDonut until very recently, has been a delight to interact with throughout her stay on our fruity server. Showing more enthusiasm than just about anyone else, Jadey's keen attitude and her helpful demeanour make her a standout player for the month of August. Well done Jadey!

Staff of the month survival - Ahtnamas80. Sam (her ingame name is truly a tongue twister) has been a fantastic role model for everyone not only throughout August, but since she joined the staff team. Making every effort to support her fellow staff members and going out of her way to help needy players, Sam has definitely made her presence known in the fruitbowl. Well done Sam!

Player of the month skyblock - _Grn. A very friendly and familiar face in the skyblock community, _Grn has been a pleasure to interact with and makes an effort to help players who are unfamiliar with things. Along with making sure other players are not troubled, _Grn is always polite and courteous to all he interacts with and is very deserving of this award. Well done _Grn!

Staff of the month skyblock - Dusty_Tornado. Dusty's reliability as a veteran staff member for skyblock is unquestionable. Always around to guide new players through any troubles they encounter, Dusty ensures players are comfortable during their stay on Skyblock. Well done Dusty!

Beyond the Bowl

August unfortunately saw far more departures than additions, which is very unfortunate. All of our staff changes were mentioned in previous weekly posts, revisit those if you'd like to learn more about these changes.

Reminder that builder and staff applications will be open throughout the month. All are encouraged to apply if they believe they have the talent to succeed in those important roles.

That brings us to the end of this monthly recap, I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading!


End of Post.