Someone Ate All The Eggs!

Ello peoples! Hope you're all having a splendid easter! Sit tight for this weeks post!
❀ Survival ❀ |
✿ Skyblock ✿ |
❀ Prison ❀ |
✿ Pixelmon ✿ |
Players Joined: 6,700 |
Players Joined: 2,518 |
Players Joined: 3,313 |
Players Joined: 2,287 |
Monthly Goal: 732% |
Monthly Goal: 746% |
Monthly Goal: 72% |
Monthly Goal: 226% |
Current Top Donator: Liowenex |
Current Top Donator: Luckyzedge |
Current Top Donator: MystiicThornx |
Current Top Donator: Spawny21 |

Hello everyone, the voting has started for the Egg Decorating Competition! There have been some amazing entries in the competition, it is going to be hard to decide who to vote for. To cast your votes, head to /warp egg, and grab a voting book (from the shop at the rule board). There are two categories to vote on, best egg decorated by a player, and best egg decorated by a staff member. Once you have written your votes into the book, make sure you sign it before you drop it into the hopper at the warp. Voting ends next Friday at 8pm, winners will be announced in the monthly post. Good luck to everyone who entered!

Hey Prisoners! Our Easter Planet is now closed meaning all you who participated in the word search and the staff head hunt will now get to find out if you won the prize. Remember, just because you did the word search and head hunt doesn't mean you are guaranteed a prize. You are given an entry into the prize pool which only 2 people can win so it is basically a lottery! Congrats to our Word Search and Head Hunt winners: MystiicThornx and RebornIV! Please msg a staff member ingame to claim your prizes!
We also see the closing of the Easter Rush parkour and no one gets to claim the prize of beating the staff time as none of you came close. Guess I am just too good at parkour for you lot. Thanks to all that participated in our Easter themed events and our minigames, I hope you all had a great time and can't wait to do it all again next year! Some small updates around a few cool things coming soon for Prison: We will be launching a new monthly parkour challenge starting next month which will see the fastest runners claim a cool prize! More news about this will be released next month but be sure to look out for it! Prison's event development team has been hard at work with multiple new and revamped events in the works. I cannot say much now, but be on the lookout for new or returning events in the coming weeks! That is all from me this week, I look forward to seeing you all around!

★ Survival ★
This week we sadly say our farewells to nickygs, we wish him luck in his future!
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events!
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Monday - |
Pixelmon Event Night |
Tuesday - |
Prison Event Night |
Wednesday - |
Boat Race on Survival |
Thursday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Friday - |
Regicide on Survival |
Saturday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Sunday - |
Prison Games Night |
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!
Pixelmon Rental Team Tournament
Every Sunday night at 7pm AEST we hold our weekly Pixelmon Rental Team Tournament. For those of you that may not be aware, you will be supplied with Pokemon during these tournaments. If you’ve just started on the server you’ve got the same chance of winning along with the big bad Pixelmon sweats!
The winners of our weekly tournaments are awarded with Shiny Token of their choice! Why not come give it a shot and see how you go!

Fruity Marriages
Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!
Survival |
Skyblock |
teg14 |
❤ |
AdamSandler41230 |
TheMightyYeetus |
❤ |
TomDotCom_ |
❤ |
Xx_PowPow19_xX |
❤ |
damseless |
LonelyGoated |
❤ |
Diamond__Daddy |
Want to marry that special someone? Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week
We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.
Post your selfies HERE
Hope you've all had an amazing week! We shall see you next week for the monthly post!
Sunto & The Event Team
End of Post.