Summers on it's way!
5 min read

Hello Fruitsters!!! It has been a little while and its great to be back again delivering the news!! Buckle up and get ready for some fruity informaiton!

Donating Statistics:




Players Joined: 7,881

Players Joined: 1,371

Players Joined: 17,543

% of Monthly Goal: 308%

% of Monthly Goal: 197%

% of Monthly Goal: 11%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator: 


Current Top Donator: 


Server Announcements

It’s been an intense week of crafting on our Survival and Skyblock servers, but the witch is finally satisfied with her haul!

Congratulations to the winners of the Halloween Crafting comp! I hope that you all had a wicked good time entering this event and collecting all the different collectables that were available. ~H1N9

We are also excited to announce that each server will now have its own individual build team!! If you are interested in becoming a builder feel free to complete an application via:


Hey guys welcome back to the Survival section!! Lets get into the busy two weeks we have had!!

Staff Updates

This week we have welcomed three new T-mods onto our survival team!! A huge welcome to TKOxRemembrance, sarahsoph and Gingernibliet!!!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Moderators, Builders and Event-Coordinators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link!


On the 30th of October we hosted a brand new event called Ravager Run!! In this event teams had to collect some randomly selected coloured blocks! After a rough start we got the event under way! The players who won during the evening were; Spooky_Zelorium, kavazy, Cidna, Opalz, Libmeister, Nebula, juicewrld14999 and Zyger !!!

On the spookiest night of the year we got creative and had a halloween skin competition!!! Everyone wore such amazing outfits and they all fitted well into our chosen themes! The winners of the competition were:

FruitSpleggetiYT with the Best Fruit skin!

BaileySteve with the Scariest skin!

Stupid_thicc with the Funniest skin!

SpecialKaae, AncientBlood49, Stupid_Thicc, just_bobbin and The_Riddler as the Best Group skins!

(shoutout to arda77 for the best staff skin!)

To follow the two previous nights of fun we then opened the END for the first time on this map!!! It was a chaotic night of battling dragons and hunting down elytra's, we thank you all for coming and participating!!

On Wednesday the 4th we rolled the dice with lady luck and played some Paint Run!!! The players who escaped through the painting maze were; ZexusMC, coconuq, Zyger, Nedax_, King01001000, Chance902, Sir_Puddin, AidenMcg, LifeOfBlue, The__Riddler, Ayvalon and ocardb!

On Friday the 7th we showered our arena in blood!!!!!!! It was very satisfying to watch!!! The winners who got to jump into the lava of victory were; palrpoo, Zyger, MrFishLips, YaBoiGoodStuff, ItzBezz, Chance902, CrumpetCutie, AncientBlood49, TheSecretNinja13, Cidna, Vurbb, stevewithanaxe and Snowgies for winning our true FFA round!

FINALLY We can let you know the winner of our boardgame themed wordsearch!!! A huge congratulations to Thenameisbird!!! Be sure to check out this weeks wordsearch which theme is : Mobile Games!

We run events every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm AEDST but also run pop up events throughout the week so keep your eye out for those!

Selfie of the week

This weeks selfie goes to Cidna who shows us an eerily spoopy shot of our halloween skin contest!!


Congratulations to this weeks happy couples!
















Welcome back to Skyblock’s weekly news! We hope you’re enjoying the new map!

Important Notes:

Spawner claims will be processed in due time, be sure to visit if you haven’t yet submit a spawner claim. All info is under the post - if you have any questions feel free to message a staff member.

Please do not rush for the spawners, it takes time as we have to go through them all individually.

Halloween is now over, but some spooky bugs in-game may still be lurking. If you are unlucky enough to find one, please contact a staff member or create a ticket if you run into any pesky bugs.  

Token Items and the Cardager will return shortly, thank you for your patience.

Staff Updates

No staff updates this week. :( Maybe YOU could change that!

We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team, you can apply at


After what seemed like an eternity, Bingo is back! This weeks luckiest players were Xtalize, FBG_Vashta, Threadered, Snowgies, AnAlphaLonzy, Zeusiee, and TheOGTommo!

Next up was Thunderdome! Congratulations to D2xx, ItzBezz, Xtalize, TheDusty1, and ItzBezz! These were the players that were skilled enough to escape the wrath of the staff team!

Our last event of the night was Hide and Seek! The night’s best seekers were Lemonpopeye, Makeitup, PotatoJacket, D2xx, Jep1234jep, Netzatali, Reubs, AnAlphaLonzy, Xtalize, and Threadered!

Join us Saturday night at 8pm AEDT for another round of events and a chance to win a coveted Event Token. We can’t wait to see you there!

By winning events you get awesome trophies and some Event Tokens! These can be used at the event token store once it’s all been fixed back up.


Love is in the air! These cute couples were married this week:





Selfie of the Week

“Just chilling in Asksksks office while he is offline. (Don’t tell him!) ccccc:” Congratulations Bearryyy!

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token, post your selfies in selfie of the week!


First up - a message from Gold!

"Keep inventory has been fixed - only certain items are kept on death as originally intended. This includes things like armour, star coins, and cosmetics. Drops like mining blocks will not be kept on death so be careful when venturing in areas not protected by guards."EventsOn Tuesday night we Drifted in our Hover Boards in Prison Drift! Our winners on the night were: ItzBezz, ScyTheSlayer1, Brockb101 Our Second Event was Bingo , the Winners were: ItzBezz, Shakoda, ScyTheSlayer, Shakoda, buttjamint, ExpressoYourself We Also ran King of The Hill, Our kings of the night were: Reubs, Netzaltali Our final event for Tuesday was Spleef! Our winners were: RebornIV, Shakoda, Netzaltali On Sunday We ran a brand new Parkour event called Space Runner! The Parkour Gods and Goddesses of the night were: SynlessPC, ExpressoYourself, ItzBezz, Netzaltali, ShakodaOur Final event of the night was Spleef, Our champions were: Shakoda, ExpressoYourself, SynlessPC, ExpressoYourself, SynlessPC, Netzaltali

Thank you so much for reading through this weeks post!! Keep your eyes peeled on the forums as I'm sure we will have some christmas updates soon!!!- The Event Team

End of Post.