Survival 1.14
Written by RavynR

Hiya folks! Another week, another server updated!! There's lots to talk about so lets get straight into it!

Donating Statistics:




Players Joined: 23,016

Players Joined: 17, 425

Players Joined: 14,692

% of Monthly Goal: 322%

% of Monthly Goal: 279%

% of Monthly Goal: 53%

Current Top Donator: 


Current Top Donator: 


Current Top Donator: 


Server Announcements

First up - Here is a message from our one and only server owner, H1N9!!

Survival, Skyblock and Creative have been updated to 1.14. This means like all updates there are lots of bugs and lag. 1.14 is a particularly bad update from Mojang with substantial issues on our side for improving performance. The most difficult aspect is the fact that the previous methods we have had to be able to tell what is lagging the server have been completely unreliable. There is substantial work being put into improving the performance so that we can return to a lag free gameplay experience with 80 online.

Some plugins will be updated over the coming week, these include virtual tools and hopefully disguises.

Please report any bugs to a staff member :)


Hey guys, the event team has finally started making weekly word searches for you!!! As this month’s build competition and word scramble theme is videogames, we are continuing that theme within our word searches!!! Last week’s theme was Playstation!!

The Six hidden words were; Kratos, Buzz, Cortex, Aloy, Sparx and Clank ! There werent as many entree’s this week, so be sure to spread the word around - either way the event token goes to PSN! This week’s theme is Xbox! Please come and enter the word search at /warp events!

Staff Updates

Just the one staff update this week, but you guys could change that!!!! Congratulations to xCurlyFry for losing his T and becoming a full Mod!!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Event-Coordinators, Builders and Moderators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link!


On Wednesday we played some under water hide and seek! You guys played many rounds on the hunt for the fishies and in turn there were a tonne of winners! Congratulations to; FBG_Vashta, Siliconne, Splegetti, ScytheSlayer, portgazdace222, sonicthehophog, _Eryn, ItzBezz, Emilee_XIX, ocardb_1509, xtc_rocks, themagicmangoman, thebobby329, Bayleecraft, Gothixwolf, Nezzaah, Trittle, PotatoJacket, Heyou397, EagleStripe and Gylfmeister!!

On Friday we not only had chaos from a server update, lightning rained down from above as we all played Thunderdome!! The people who survived the wraith of the gods were ChannelMiner, Z0mbieslider, Frogfish20, palr, sonicthehophog, SparklyBubble, _Nebula and zeldagod1352!

We have started a forum thread for event suggestions! Do you have any awesome event ideas we can use on the server? Do you think we could run a certain event differently? Please let us know! (do shortcutlink here _

We run events every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm AEDST but also run pop up events throughout the week so keep your eye out for those!

Selfie of the week

No selfie this week! Be sure to submit it in our forum thread!!













Welcome back to your favourite Skyblock weekly post! Woohoo!

Staff Updates

One sad update this week and that’s that our darling MajorCheffy has departed the team. We’re sad to see him go but hope to see him around soon!

Maybe you could change that! We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team apply at


We started this week with everyone’s favourite: Bingo! Our luckiest players were Bayleecraft, Thomcody, and Pressandroll! Congratulations!

Corners has been getting a lot of love lately and we’re glad for it! Our winners this week were Thomcody and Whitem8! Good work, guys!

And lastly we had Magical Chairs, which has quickly become popular! We’ve got some great dancers on Skyblock. This week’s best dancers were Makeitdown and Makeitup! Congratulations, girls!

You can win events for cool prizes and the chance to win the coveted event tokens! These tokens can be used to purchase limited edition items at /warp token in-game. For our event schedule, visit










Selfie of the Week

No selfie of the week :(

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token, post your selfies in selfie of the week!


First of all a huge congratulations to Supermate on joining the staff team as a T-Mod and to Tunrida for becoming a permanent member of our staff team!

On Tuesday we started our array of events with Corners! Our winners were; Sp3cialist, xtixie and Supermate!

We then moved onto Spleef! Our winners were;
SynlessPc, Spleggeti, xtixie and PujuuWombat!!

Finally we finished up with Hide and seek! Our winners were; tunrida, SynlessPC, Opalz and Bayleecraft!!

Build Competition

During the most recent competition we received a lot of feedback about how to make the build comp more accessible to everyone, so this months theme is broad…. But also very specific. This month we want you to build us something that shows us your FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME (a shoutout to Dusked_ for this epic theme suggestion)!!! As per usual there are some rules you need to follow, so be sure to read them before you begin!!

Make sure that you submit your builds on the forum post!

For more information on this month’s build comp and to submit your entry, please check out this forum post.

If you have suggestions for themes for future build competitions, please let us know in this forum thread.

Thank you all for reading this weeks post! We will be back here next week with more of the going ons on fruit!!

- kuro_shibainu, MrRandom287 & Ravioli

End of Post.