Survival Reset - Saturday Morning

Hello fellow Fruitsters,
It is that time of the year again where the survival server needs a refresh. The map has been worked pretty hard over the last 6 months, especially with all of the lockdowns.
I'm not sure I have ever seen so many requests for a map wipe before from the playerbase.
1.16 is now becoming more stable - although not perfect. As a result, now is a much better time to do a reset than several weeks ago.
Survival will reset early on Saturday morning. The intention is to have everything up and runnning for 8AM AEST.
As always, everything except for ranks and perks will be reset.
Make sure to save anything you like into the brand new FruitCollectibles plugin! This will allow you to still showcase these items to other players in the next map.
Type /fc for more information.
Please post any questions about the reset below!
As an aside note, I am happy to save schematics for builds - as long as you know what to do with them.
It is not possible to upload the entire map as it is over 15GB in size and filesharing sites don't like hosting this type of content due to the amount of bandwidth it sucks up.
Please PM me for more info.
So get excited! Brand new maps are fun, there are heaps of new areas to explore, untouched biomes and the best mining! There are also a few surprises as well...
End of Post.