The Dragon Arrives!

Are we ready for a fun short post?!
❀ Survival ❀ |
✿ Skyblock ✿ |
❀ Prison ❀ |
✿ Pixelmon ✿ |
Players Joined: 3,580 |
Players Joined: 5,122 |
Players Joined: 4,940 |
Players Joined: 1,073 |
Monthly Goal: 277% |
Monthly Goal: 94% |
Monthly Goal: 0% |
Monthly Goal: 179% |
Current Top Donator: zzDeathGodzz |
Current Top Donator: Legacy_Ranga |
Current Top Donator: Godfreyy |
Current Top Donator: Adsiee |

Finally, this Friday will see the opening of the End for this new map! Come along and smell some really bad breath, die and maybe get the chance to grab yourself a pair of elytra or a dragon head.
The end will open at 8PM AEST. This will be followed by a battle with an enderdragon and a significant amount of death.
Then, you will get to explore the End!
Hello Trainers!
We are currently still in the process of testing some plugins on our server to find the cause of the crashes we have been experiencing.
The plugins we test only get taken off for a few days before being returned back to the server. We thank you for your patience and all staff are happy to assist with any functions that may be missing in the best way that they can.
We are also happy to announce that as the word search seems to be a popular part of the server, we have decided to change the themes weekly!
In addition to this we are excited to announce that the server will soon be launching quests to obtain mint crops AND some special eeveelution cosmetic items for you to accessories with - more information will be released about this in the coming weeks.

Fruity Staff
★ Survival ★
This week we say goodbye to Kloeno and StashOfSeeds as they leave the staff team, thank you for your hard work!
Congratulations to brekfst who is now a Mod and zzDeathGodzz who is now a Mod+!
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Fruity Events
Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events!
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Monday - |
Pixelmon Event Night |
Tuesday - |
Prison Event Night |
Wednesday - |
Spelunky on Survival |
Thursday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Friday - |
End Opening Night |
Saturday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Sunday - |
Prison Event Night |
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!

Fruity Marriages
Want to marry that special someone?
Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week

We LOVE to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.
Post your selfies HERE
Well that's it for this week! Can't wait to see those Battle hands ready for that dragon!!
Mae & The Event Team
End of Post.