The holidays are here!
Written by RavynR

Hey guys! It's the school holidays so we expect mass amounts of players in the next few weeks! Keep up to date with all the happenings on the server here in the weekly and monthly posts!



Players Joined: 3,796

Players Joined: 1,919

% of Monthly Goal: 410%

% of Monthly Goal: 227%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:



Another week is over but we’ve had lots of newcomers and old coming back to join survival. With people still terrified of Phantoms spawning in packs, creeper hugging and the occasional fall, we still have much more to do!

With school holidays happening, our event staff are working overtime to keep you fruitsters entertained. No, we’re not doing 24hr Thunderdome, who gave you that idea? We are going to be putting in more mini events and games so you can play for hours without seeing sunlight.

With one week left in September, you can expect something spooky next month. Ghouls and Ghosts are ready to play, candy to be eaten and nightmares to be had. Are you prepared to be scared?

With a few staff sadly leaving us, we would like to invite everyone to feel free to apply and join the team! Head on down to and submit your application now.

Recap on last weeks events:

We started our Wednesday event with Musical Chairs! With two new Event C’s on the team, nothing could go wrong...except for broadcasting typos. They had players running in circles and to change things up, had a mystery chair appear last round to throw players off. Our winners were: ThinkGeek, Bayleecraft, Mr_007_Platypus and Grayknightpaul.

Friday went off with lightning speed, literally! Players had to duck, dodge, dive and dodge in the Thunderdome as bolts of lightning came crashing down! Mod, Diamondmaster98, had way too much fun smiting those unworthy. Our winners who cheated death were: HeadLouse, XXGrind, Poketz, NaaTilly, LittleSSavage, PotassiumDOT, dababychicken, Chloeisaperson and MrASinister.

Selfie of the week

TheInternet celebrating their 16th Birthday at night was a wonderful picture to be shared!

We love seeing members going above and beyond with these special occasions and we would love to invite players to come use our /warp bday! If you have an upcoming birthday yourself or know someone who does, please contact an Event Coordinator to plan the special day!

Before we end it here, we would love to remind players that /duels is an awesome plugin where you can fight your friends in combat! We have great kits and arenas to use and you can’t pass up those bragging rights.

What’s been fixed?

-Coloured Tags (FINALLY!!) You can now customize all your items and animals with awesome colourful names!

-This week we will see the return of the fruitster crate!! YAAY!!












Hi pals, Choccy here bringing you the news from skyblock!

Things that were updated this week were:

-Coloured tags! This means you can now use your tags to add fancy colours to your named tools and animals!

Staff updates

This week we saw the promotions of Burrado and RebornIV to Trial-Mod! Congrats guys! We also saw the return of Nuget! We missed him! If you’re interested in joining the skyblock staff team apply at


Events this week started off with a game of bingo!! Our bongo winners were Skerny, Gylfmeister, Campbell3618, Nuget, Spleggeti and Azadai!

Ending our week we played the staff favourite event thunderdome! The Players who dodged the Lightning were Burrado, Nuget, KittyInAHat and LittleSSavage!

>>Marriages of the week!<<

Jordstar BlueHornett

Burrado HyperionOmnicron

Here we have Burrado showing off his lovely fish tank!


Updates for prison are taking their time but seem to be coming along well! The server should be up within the next week and we can’t wait! Once the server has successfully updated we will be adding in tonnes of awesome ideas as well as tweaking current plugins from all the feedback you have given us! Thank you everyone for your patience!

Server Announcements

Due to some issues on creative this month we have not had a build competition but we finally have world edit back! Or at least some of it :P ! Keep an eye out next week for the monthly post where we will be back with the monthly build competition! Yay!

That's all from us this week, we will see you in two weeks times for the first weekly post in October!!

- <3 The Pasta Squad

End of Post.