The weekly Recap With Spike
Written by Spike_M

Welcome to another Weekly recap!

Oh why hello there Freinds. Its the One and only Spike here with another fun filled recap for the week. So lets cut the small talk and drive in head first into the week that was.

Donating Statistics



Player Count: 19547

Player Count: 8188

Currently 178%   of monthly donation goal

Currently 105% of monthly donation goal

Current monthly top donator: XX_Jamtin_XX

Current monthly top donator: MEMELORD_

Beyond the Bowl

Staff changes!

Well its been one Crazy week for Staff changes over both servers.

Survival has sadly seen the departure of Multiple Staff members. We say good bye to GeckoSplat, ShadowNinjaBoy and Blivh. We thank all 3 of them for the countless hours and hard work they put into the server and wish them all the best going forward.

On a better note we welcome Reeke, ShreksOgre and XX_Jamtin_XX To the Survival staff team. All 3 of them are eager to learn and experience as much as possible so dont be scared to ask them anything.

Over on Skyblock We sadly see the departure of M30J and Dusty_Tornado. You both have done so much for Skyblock and will be sorely missed from the Team.

But a Huge Congratulations mush go to Verlisper and WittyQuip for their promotion to Admin on Skyblock. Well Done the both of you.

Remember if you feel like you have the chance and time to give us a hand on the staff team you can go to the staff section on the fruit page to apply for Moderatator or Builder . At present we are not taking applications for Event-C.

MineCon is here

Are you a super Minecraft fan like me? Do you want to go to minecon but you just cant afford the airfare. Well fear not my Friends for the great guys at Mojang have come up with a solution. Minecon Earth. For more information check it out Here. I know I'll be watching it.


Wow What a packed week for events its been over the last Few weeks. And by far the beggest has to be the Spooky, scary and truly terrifying Halloween Event. What a hit it was on both servers. Well done to all our winners. You truley are amazingly good at grinding.

Also over halloween Survival Opened /warp Spooky ,A staff built halloween themed area. Be sure to check it out and have a look around at all the fun builds that the staff have done.

Now onto the other events that happened during the past week.

Shall we begin with skyblock? I believe we shall.

The fruitGod's must have been angry at Skyblock on Wednesday because they were killing people left, right and centre. An electrifying 5 rounds of Thunderdome were played and after many shocking eliminations we managed to Find the bright sparks who are best at eluding the watchful eyes of the fruit gods. Well done to Brad___, TashaRashVest, MadamMistletoe and MarskeyChai (won 2 rounds).

Next we Float over to Survival For their recap of events.

Friday Had brought to Survival a brand new Spleef arena Built by our amazing builder Remex_. But unlike conventional Spleef arena's using snow, Remex_ has used Slime blocks instead. So The staff team has Dubbed this new event... SlimeSpleef. And boy oh boy is this new event fun. We managed to play 6 amazing rounds and it was clear to me that players loved this event. A huge congrats to McBrandonbro for winning the first 3 rounds. What an effort. Briezyy took home the trophy for round 4 and 5 with round 6 going to Zelorium_Cat. Fantastic effort made by all.

Upcoming Events

Coming up this week we have:

TNT run on Wednesday over on Survival

CTF on Friday on Survival


















Build Competition

We have decided to forego the Build Comp for November due to the disappointing lack of entries. We may consider revisiting it during December however there are no guarantees.

Well that all from me my friends. I hope you have enjoyed this recap of the week. Now im off to go pet my cacti. Have a great upcoming week. Signing off -Spike


End of Post.