UPDATE: Gikda still missing!
Written by Vixxee ♔

Hello Fruitloops, Fruit Goddess Aph here bringing you this month's juicy recap. I don't like to do these because.. Well i am somewhat a potato when it comes to writing, so please all tell me how great I did.

Into the bowl:

Throughout the month we have had a handful of events hosted.  Ranging from relaxing monday night movies, to the not so relaxing Capture the flag . Thank you to everyone that has attended these events & most importantly thank you to the staff that helped host these events for everyone. Stay tuned for another month packed full of events!

New store perks:

With the release of 1.10 a few weeks ago we seen some very new perks hit our donor stores . Did you get a chance to grab the limited time Polar bear pet before it was removed? I've been told that the Polar bear pet is very cool! *Lame mum joke*

New website design:

Over the last week you would of noticed (I hope) some pretty big changes to the website.  These changes are well overdue and pretty refreshing to see. With all things like this, there is bound to be some issues. If you see any little bugs anywhere, please help us squish them asap and report any sightings here.     >> CLICK ME <<

Player Statistics:

Survival: 7006 Players

Skyblock: 5567 Players

Thanks to all of you fruitloops for making these numbers happen. WIthout our amazing community, our numbers just wouldn't be blossoming like this.

Donation goals:

Voting Winners:

Well done to these dedicated voters, you've each earned a store voucher to spoil yourself (or others!).

Voting is one of the best ways you can help the server, and you get rewarded for it with keys! Vote consistently enough and you may end up taking home the top prize for the month, a little coupon to spoil yourself with. Not only that, your vote points get stored up and can be spent online in the vote point store.

To Check out your points balance and claim some cool rewards for yourself >>CLICK ME<< Reminder: Before claiming any rewards, make sure your character is linked properly on your profile. Otherwise you will not get your prize

Congratulations to the winners from the May build competition!

Build Comp:

This month I have decided to try something a little bit more different with the build competition. Be sure to read through all the info because some things have been changed a little bit.

Our competition will be judged a little differently, so stay tuned for the end of the month to find out how we will be judging it!

World: Creative

This month's theme: Free Choice*

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 30th July

- Players must work individually

- build must be 70x70 at minimum (height not included)

- Build must be completed in the Creative world

-Do not build chestrooms,spawners,massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things

- Only one entry per individual

-Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

I want you to be creative and build me something that you have always wanted to build, or something out of a game you play,show you watch etc. The options are endless here . However… Keep in mind that builds that clearly lack effort will not stand much of a chance.


1st Place: $20 store voucher

2nd Place: $15 store voucher

3rd Place: $10 store voucher

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment ON THIS POST stating so, or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.


If you've won a voucher, please speak to  Gikdaddy, Gramps (H1N9) or myself about redeeming it. Please remember that these vouchers do not count towards your ingame rank, and they may be used on others too! If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up.

Top Players

Fruit Servers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Auriannium serves as one half of the duo that manages fruitsurvival's most popular town, suplex city. For months now he has served as a productive member of the community by guiding new players through any troubles they may encounter, taking time out to make sure even the newest players feel at home. Well done auriannium! -Goldsta

Throughout the month Teterine has been a dedicated player on skyblock and is always happy to give anyone a hand or hang out . Thank you for being a part of the Skyblock Community and being one of the reasons that a lot of people enjoy the server!

This month we have seen MiniMelon organising and hosting lots of events for all of you frootloops to enjoy. Melon is always here to help make things run smoothly for events or just in general. Melon always makes sure our weekly posts are packed full of all of the  gossip for you all to catch up on. We appreciate all of the effort she has put in for us <3

Since becoming a Moderator last month Dusty has become an extremely valued staff member on the Skyblock team. Dusty always finds time to login (Even if he joins on minechat) and be sociable with the community. He even tells the odd “Dad joke” for us to all roll our eyes at. Thank you for going above and beyond to keep the server a friendly and welcoming place for our community. Tomato!!

Beyond the bowl:

This month we have had some changes to our staff team (perhaps some new staff to initiate)

Survival: Ahtnamas80 >> Trial-Mod

Littlest_  >> Trial-Mod

Skyblock: Estherbunny >> Moderator

Cadius76 >> Trial-Mod >> Moderator

Nousey >> Trial-Mod

Flapnat564 >> Trial-Mod

Congratulations to all that have been promoted & a big welcome to the team for all our new trials!

Unfortunately alongside these promotions, We have had daemondark step down from his Moderator/Builder position. Thanks for all the time you have spent with is & all of the amazing builds you have brought to life on the server . See you when we see you!

Reminder that staff applications will be open throughout the month, as well as builder applications. Think you’ve got what it takes to become a member of our incredible team? Apply today! Remember that our process is very strict and only the very best make it past the initial stages of the application process.

All good things come to an end... Or, so i've been told.  Today, this post is one of those things.  Hope you have enjoyed catching up on all the xoxoGossipGikda from the last month..

Yes, incase you were wondering.. I love the colour pink... can you tell ;)

<3 Aphroditie

End of Post.