We wake up soon!
Written by RavynR

Hey guys and welcome back to the weekly post!! The first month of spring is almost coming to a close but the news keeps on coming! Let’s get into it!

Donating Statistics:




Players Joined: 4, 296

Players Joined: 20, 290

Players Joined: 16, 350

% of Monthly Goal: 2336%

% of Monthly Goal: 285%

% of Monthly Goal: 40%

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator: 


Current Top Donator: 



Welcome to another week of Survival! You guys got up to some crazy shenanigans this week so let's hear all about it!!

Staff Updates

This week we are happy to announce we have had a new Builder join the team!! Congrats to RebornIV on gaining his role - We can’t wait to see his amazing builds implemented on the server!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Event-Coordinators, Builders and Moderators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link! https://www.fruitservers.net/staff


Another week of a successful wordsearch! This weeks theme was ALLERGIES!!! We had another massive amount of entries with a staggering 18 being correct!! The winner for this week is PrettyMissKitty Congrats!!

We will be putting up a new word search at the event board this week with another spring theme!!. Come and check it out for your chance to win a token.

Now moving along to our weekly events!

On Wednesday we brought out our mean sides and played some Bully!! Although we had some issues with players being invisible (thanks 1.14) we ended up having four overall winners! Congratulations to Sympix, GoatCheese666, SynlessPC and be_happy99910!! A shoutout to nickygs for winning the staff round too!!

On Friday we stripped our inventories and prepared to Dig Down!!! This one is always a favourite and very competitve! The players who were fastest to break the obsidian layer were KizzleDaNizzle, Distractible and Z0mbieSoldier!!!

We have started a forum thread for event suggestions! Do you have any awesome event ideas we can use on the server? Do you think we could run a certain event differently? Please let us know!

We run events every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm AEDST but also run pop up events throughout the week so keep your eye out for those!

Selfie of the week

We aren’t sure whats happening in this screenshot, but it exists! Congrats on the selfie win _Eryn













Skyblock, where the farms are bountiful, the blocks are cubic, and the blue sky is endless! Here’s some more news from the sky!

Staff Updates

We’ve bid a sad farewell to the one and only Aurione. We already miss him! :(

We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team apply at https://www.fruitservers.net/staff


This week’s events were sufficiently fruity, with Bingo starting us off! We had a lot of new faces in our winners list this week, so congratulations Metazard, BlakeVRMO, telibboy, SGladys, _Ravioli, PotatoJacket, and Euphoriella! Always glad to have new friends join us on Games Night.

Next up, we had one of our new events, Diggy! There were a few struggles running this one, but we appreciate everyone’s patience. Our fastest diggers this week were FBG_Vashta and PotatoJacket! Great work!

And lastly, we did a few rounds of Corners! Those that milly rocked their way to victory this week were fatcat59620, Kuote, and Euphoriella. Congratulations!

You can win events for cool prizes and the chance to win the coveted event tokens! These tokens can be used to purchase limited edition items at /warp token in-game. For our event schedule, visit https://www.fruitservers.net/events






Selfie of the Week

“Skywars is out whoop whoop baby!!! #selfieoftheweek!!!” Congratulations Kevroe43!

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token, post your selfies in selfie of the week!


Hi friends and welcome to the prison portion of the post!

For those who've grinded their way through the first twelve planets, bring your best gear for the mountainous tundra of Planet 13. Not many players can survive against the onslaught of the vikings, valkyrie, white walkers, frost witches - the list goes on! Are you ready for FruitPrison's toughest planet yet?

Congratulations to ItzBezz (Brad) and SkellyBG on their well-earned promotions! Spare a moment to congratulate them when you see them flexing their Mod+ tag!

In other news, you'll now be able to purchase random custom enchantments from the vote store - these have been separated into 7 tiers and include all sorts of fancy things that will spice up your time on FruitPrison.

We did a rerun of the Vault on Tuesday  - those who managed to get past the Vault’s trap and reached the end were ExpressoYourself, SynlessPC and Netzaltali!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Prison event night without Spleef! The survivors of the chaos that ensued in the Spleef arena were Opalz, ItzBezz, Netzaltali, Spleggeti (and Quacksta), Opalz and ScyTheSlayer!

To conclude our Tuesday night, we did 2 rounds of Bingo Bongo! The lucky winners are ScyTheSlayer and ExpressoYourself

On Sunday, we first warmed up with a few rounds of Spleef!  The quick-footed winners were Spleggeti, ExpressoYourself, SynlessPC and Spleggeti (again).

The warm-up was all in preparation for the most chaotic event ever - Spleef+! An unprecedented event of Koth x Spleef x Anvil Drop! The winners of this new event are Spleggeti, ExpressoYourself and Netzaltali.

Obstacle Course was run next - the parkour masters are SynlessPC, Netzaltali and ExpressoYourself!

Finally, we cooled down with some rounds of Bingo - those who had Lady Luck on their side were ExpressoYourself, Netzaltali and Leontae!

Build Competition

September's build comp theme will be Halloween! "But Goldsta, Halloween is in October you dope!" This time the build comp will run over the course of two months and the size of your build will be limited to an entire plot! Looking forward to seeing what people can come up with, there is no excuse for not having enough time to complete this build.

Make sure that you submit your builds on the forum post - If we do not receive at least 5 entries the build competition will be canceled!

If you have suggestions for themes for future build competitions, please let us know in this forum thread.

That's another week all wrapped up!!! We will see you next week for our final September post! Byee!!

- kuro_shibainu, MrRandom287 & Ravioli

End of Post.