Weekly Post! :)

Hello my floppy little fruits it is the unstoppable Event-Co team MiniMelon & iMeoww here ( I know, SHOCKER, It’s been like 2 weeks since you’ve seen us and we’re so sorry) to bring you another flabatastic Weekly Post!! We know you love em’ and here’s the latest scoop on the week that was.. Let’s get right into things shall we.. ~ We shall!!

The Rundown
Number of Players Joined:
Currently 108% of the Monthly goal
Current Top Donator: Mitunzz
Number of Players Joined:
Currently 28% of the Monthly goal
Current Top Donator: EZ420
Beyond the Bowl
This week we saw the departure of Sleapy from his moderator position. He will be greatly missed and we thank him for his help and hope he has a safe and exciting future <3 On more of a positive note, late tonight we saw the promotion of EstherBunny our newest Skyblock Mod! Im sure she will have an amazing time on the team and im really excited to see her around.
Hide and Seek ~
Starting off, on the 25th of May we had a very fruitilicious evening as we played Hide and Seek! We had a total of eight staff members running and hiding during the night… those sneaky flops made these rounds very hard as they found the sneakiest hiding spots! We had a total of 4 rounds…. And believe it or not...we had a total of 25 winners.. How exciting for you fruitloops!! Should we hear who these found who?? I think we should :)
Round One:
Badgeriffic ---> Youngbloods
Lagoonaa ---> SparkleyFlopcorn
Krillzy ---> MistofDusk
LittleNova ---> H1N9 (disguised as an egg)
LittleNova ---> melongrip
SamuraiDave ---> Briezyy
Round Two:
Gucci_Sporks ---> Briezyy
Gucci_Sporks ---> Youngbloods
Deadpool ---> H1N9 (disguised as an egg)
Lagoonaa ---> SparkleyFlopcorn
SpasticPiggy ---> melongrip
PotassiumDOT ---> MistofDusk
Round Three:
Whyyesitsi ---> H1N9 (disguised as an XP orb)
PotassiumDOT ---> Briezyy
Aurainnium ---> MistofDusk
Matea78 ---> iMeoww
PotassiumDOT ---> melongrip
LittleNova ---> Youngbloods
Round Four:
XxStonedSpoonxX ---> H1N9
XxStonedSpoonxX ---> MiniMelon
LokiSnipze ---> melongrip
Samurai_Dave ---> Youngbloods
LittleNova ---> SparkleyFlopcorn
Samurai_Dave ---> Briezyy
TheSilentKnight ---> MistofDusk
Also huge thanks to the following staff members for helping run the night!:
~ MiniMelon
~ iMeoww
~ melongrip
~ MistofDusk
~ Briezyy
~ SparkleyFlopcorn
~ H1N9
~ Youngbloods

Thunderdome ~
Following up on the 27th of May we had a few very exciting rounds of Thunderdome on Skyblock! This event was very ‘electrifying’ and made all of the players literally run for their lives. We had a total of 5 rounds, so lets here the results for these rounds ~ Shall we? I think we shall!
Round One: Lagoonaa
Round Three: creencia93
Round Four: Sockthi3f
Round Five: SparkleyFlopcorn
And our overall winner ~ ITSANINJA!

Spleef ~
Welcome to June! On the 1st of June we had 6 rounds of Spleef! And for once there wasnt too many technical difficulties, alot of you juicy fruitsters had lots of fun and i think the winners deserve some spotlight… so let's here the results!
Round One: Jomno
Round Two: Lagoonaa
Round Three: Le_Commandment
Round Four: ItsSquish
Round Five: PotassiumDOT
Bonus Round: OzPing

Bingo ~
Following up our June events, we had a total of 5 rounds of Losh’s Famous Bingo on the 3rd of June! Towards the end there was alot of struggle coming up with sweet phrases to go with our many special items! And of course, it wouldn't be a recap, without hearing the winners! Let's hear some results:
Round One: melongrip
Round Two: aVeryAussieGuy
Round Three: SpasticPiggy
Round Four: Lagoonaa
Round Five: aVeryAussieGuy
Bonus Round: SpasticPiggy

Capture The Flag ~
Continuing on this week tonight we had a few rounds of Protect The Captain… and let's just say… it was really embarrassing for blue team.. With the results being 5-0… Congratulations Red team!! Let's get on with the stats from the night :)
Red Team Participants –
NotJylon, Oko, Deadpoolthegreat, ItsSquish, Sprinkleanotor, Szalhi, 2mincupnoodles, PotassiumDOT & GlitzyCookie.
Blue Team Participants –
TheSilentKnight, Lagoonaa, __Chocolate__, Master_Fruit, SteveyBan, orkkiller24, Crisolokids, GoldenAmber, AngusB3677, Cobbah & MistofDusk.
Red Team Captains
~ 2minCupNoodles
~ PotassiumDOT
~ ItsSquish
~ NotJylon
~ PotassiumDOT
Blue Team’s Captains
~ CrisoloKids
~ Lagoonaa
~ GoldenAmber
~ TheSilentKnight
~ __Chocolate__
Red Team Mvp’s
~ NotJylon
~ PotassiumDOT
Blue Team’s Mvp’s
~ Cobbah
~ Master_Fruits

Pstt… Keep your eyes peeled for ‘Monday Night Bunny Movies!’ Every second monday night taking place on skyblocks dubtrack… with your host… EstherBunny!
This week we saw our lovely melon squad member Mr Melongrip celebrate his birthday! If you haven’t already please wish this flop a Happy (belated) Birthday!

Build Comp
This month’s build comp theme is Transport/Movement and will be held in the Creative World
Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 29th June
- Players must work individually
- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be completed in the creative world
- Only one entry per individual
1st Place: $20 store voucher
2nd Place: $15 store voucher
3rd Place: $10 store voucher
How to post your Entry
Please leave the warp to your entry at the bottom of this post

Notable Weddings
This week on fruit we saw some lovely little fruits tie the knot with their loved ones
<3 HazzKilla + HelloMelon <3
<3 Fediian + Scradley_wilcox <3
<3 Dusty_Tornado + EstherBunny <3
<3 Mc_Gomps + Gamerbabe <3
<3 Oko + aVeryAussieGuy <3
<3 Gummy_Kat + aVeryAussieGuy <3
<3 BreadSenpai + LindaHooper <3
<3 Bulk_Bogan + _Key_ <3
<3 Misspiggy95 + _smallfry5545 <3
<3 xLagoona + Badgeriffic <3
<3 BaccaZeFlopPlayz + Andoscafe <3
<3 Asimokane7 + Fuschbau22 <3
<3 Xiphias88 + NaaTilly <3
<3 Mc_Gomps + Gamerbabe <3
Meme of the Week

Question of The Week
If you were an avocado, what would you do?
MiniMelon ~ Post Writing
iMeoww ~ Post Writing
melongrip ~ Photography
Thanks for reading this weekly post, we hope you have had a blast and an amazing time with the read! Dont forget to leave your feeback and your answer to the question of the week in the comments below :) Hope you all have a fruitastic week! MiniMelon and iMeoww are outtt...... Jokes, we dont wanna leave :c But we have to!! Fairwell Fruitsters, Hope to catch ya next week!
End of Post.