Weekly Update - Skyblock Wipe, Prison Beta & Easter Events!

Fellow Fruitsters! It is a rare occasion but H1 is doing a news post! Also for this week I'm chucking out the normal format. #soznotsoz
Donating Statistics
Survival Players: 6,0089 | Skyblock Players: 12,296
Monthly Goal: 389% | Monthly Goal: 73%
Monthly Donator: Spleegg | Monthly Donator: RejectedStar
Quite a few of you have been asking ingame when skyblock would be getting wiped. I am pleased to say that this coming Thursday is the day!
It will be just in time for the new skyblock update which will introduce several new features for which we need to wipe the map for.
Shiny new things include:
- Island Border expansions
- Daily Quests
- Total re-code of the quest system to allow people to gradually complete quests with massive requirements
- Brand new starter island types
Map will be wiped Thursday morning ready for you to play this Easter weekend!
After wipe if you have purchased spawners from the store you will be able to claim them.
A wipe will delete everything, including your island so please take pictures!
I will be enabling creative tomorrow for everyone to have some fun.
This is exciting! I am pleased to announce that our prison beta will hopefully start sometime in the next week or two (Geek still has some coding to do).
This will be a closed beta so that we can get maximum feedback rather than a free for all total mess.
The builders have done a truly amazing job so far with the map. It is by far the biggest project ever.
All progress made during beta will be wiped before the full release.
If you would like to apply to join the beta please visit here.
The Easter collection event will also kick-off this Thursday evening with the chance to win two great prizes.
There are loads of collectables to get and will be some extra special things added to the vote store as well just for easter.
Easter Events - Friday - 8PM AEDT
Easter Egg Gunt - Saturday - 2pm AEDT
Down the Rabbit Hole - Sunday 2 pm AEST
Pin the tail of a rabbit - Monday - 2pm AEST
(Daylight saving is next weekend, all times Sydney time)
Selfie of the Week:
I'm so coooool.

Be sure to enter your selfies here to potentially win yourself a prize! Each week we choose a memorable "selfie" to be chosen so if you think you have the instagram skills, try your luck!
Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3
Goldsta |
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DaddyGikda |
Goldsta |
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DiscountGoldsta |
It is going to be a crazy few weeks!
End of Post.