Welcome back!
Written by H1N9

Welcome back! An exciting new world awaits you.

The new map is here! And so are a variety of new features and places to explore. Please read below for info about spawners, virtual chests and more.

New and UpComing Features

  • Brand new crates are here
  • Better creative world plugin
  • Awesome new spawn
  • Various plugin updates
  • New Donor perks

Bugs and Reporting them

If you have found a bug or have a problem please post below in the comments. I will reply to either get more information or tell you that it is fixed.

Currently Known:

  • The spawn market will be fixed shortly - hopefully on todays restart
  • Flying Carpet is currently disabled as it is causing substantial lag issues

World Border

The world border is currently set to 5k blocks. This will be expanded to 10k shortly and then 20k once 1.9 has been released.

There is no current ETA for 1.9.

Spawners and Virtual Tools

Spawners and Virtual Tools will be available for claiming in the next week. More information will be posted when the exact time has been decided.

I am hoping to get something that will make the process a lot easier for everyone otherwise it will be considerably hard work to return all items quickly.

You will be claiming the spawners that you have purchased.

Build Transfers

For those of you who have purchased a build transfer please follow these steps to get back your build:

  1. Find a suitable location for your build
  2. Set a warp for your build
  3. Message me on the website with the warp and the name of your transfer
  4. Wait for me to import your build

Donation Store Changes

Purchasing cash and vote points have now been removed from the donation store.

Several super cool new items will be added shortly. I think you will love them!


A big thank you to Aphrodiite who has made the modifications to the amazing spawn and to Goldsta who helped out with many of the configurations for this new map..

It has been quite a lot of work to get all of this done and ready!

Need more support? Message me!


End of Post.