Welcome to the new world survival players!

Heelllooo Fruitsters!! How are we all going!?! It feels like forever since you’ve heard from me and that may because you have all been desperate to get back onto your feet after our fruity map wipe the other day! Fruitmas is becoming near so you better start putting up all your decorations!! As usual its Melon and I’ve got all your xoxoGOSSIPgikda so lets get on with it!
The Rundown
Survival Skyblock
Number of players joined: 429! Reset! Number of players joined: 2655!
Currently 148% of the monthly goal! Currently 50% of the monthly goal!
Current monthly top donator: NoBeef Current monthly top donator: Los_Corruptos
Beyond the Bowl
This week in the Fruitbowl we had two very new and special promotions over on our Skyblock servers! Please welcome __Syrus___ & Los_Corruptos to our Trial Moderating team! These two will be online our Skyblock servers always with a helping hand so feel free to ask them if you need help! On another exciting Skyblock note, we had Cadius76 welcomed back on the team!! Long time no see!! Again hes always around to lend a hand so don’t be afraid to ask!
Exciting News
Sorry to interrupt the read, but i have some super exciting news for all of you!! Want to win a fruitsters key? Of course you do! And guess what.... its simple!! If you didn’t already know our FruitServers has a Facebook page!! This page has lots of fun and exciting photos which are uploaded daily...for every 25 new likes on the Fruit Facebook page we will give away a free key to everyone online at 8PM AEST that night! So make sure you go like the page!!!!! Click Here!
Alsooo, welcome to the new server fruitsters! Surprisingly enough… you can now grow sunflowers from sunflower seeds? Hard to think right? Well its true!! 1.11 has brought some pretty cool features to minecraft, make sure you read up on it!
Events this past week were kept off as we had announced our yearly map wipe. Letting you all spend hours blowing up your builds and taking photos of all your memories seemed to be surprisingly fun!? We didnt want to bother you all, as we had our official map wipe on the friday! Everyone was busy scavenging for items in the wild & it was the last day of school for some!!
Build Comp
Now surely your beginning to wonder why this section of the post already looks different and that is because this month we will not be running a build competition D: BUT! Don’t be too sad! The months going to be packed full of Christmas events and hopefully some other surprises along the way to keep you all in the festive spirit before the end of the year! Don’t worry, we promise it will all be worth the wait!
Notable Weddings
SURVIVAL: scottishfold3 + Cornflak3y <3 SKYBLOCK:
Darklord3022 + Yoborzen <3
Aphrodite + Ez420 <3
PotassiumDOT + Aliwali <3
Stkytape + 1Robbie_Rotten1 <3
fantale + Sparklebabe <3
RhedaWorrior + Nidget_Minja <3
VeritasAtlas + Verlisper <3
Alterinq_ + youngsterruler99 <3
That’s a rap
Oh my god! I don’t know about you guys… but there are only 14 more days until Fruitmas :O This year has come around so quickly and god knows where next years is going to take us! We hopefully have lots of things coming towards the Fruitbowl so make sure you stick around! It wouldn’t be a weekly post without the Screenshots of the Week & Meme of the Week so lets get into it!
Screenshots of the Week
Survival...... Skyblock......
Meme of the Week

hehhh... whats the bet you all said christmas and sung to the tune....
~ Melon
End of Post.