We killed the King!

Hello Fruitsters!! Now that Regicide is over it's time for a weekly recap! We had a major event on this week twice! Wednesday night debuted Regicide! How exciting was that! Let's get to it!
Donating Statistics
Survival |
Skyblock |
Player Count: 13498! |
Player Count: 3095! |
Currently 210% of monthly donation goal |
Currently 182% of monthly donation goal |
Current monthly top donator: Callicil |
Current monthly top donator: iSurgez |
Beyond the Bowl
We have some staff changes on survival! Please congratulate them on their hard work.
RhedaWarrior > T-mod
Blivh > Mod
SparkleyFlopcorn > Mod
RohDawg1998 > Mod+
MateA78 > Admin
Sadly DatRayRay has had to step down due to other commitments. We wish you all the best DatRayRay.
Remember if you feel like you have the chance and time to give us a hand on the staff team, you can go to the Staff section on the fruit page to apply for Builder, Event-C or Mod!
Lets start with Survival's events!
First up on Wednesday we had REGICIDE! Oh my gosh was this a chaotic event! This was the first time in a long time that we had hosted such a big event. The builders spent months making this event for you Fruitsters to enjoy! Wow, does it look amazing! There was a massive battle between Staff and Players and the players aimed to kill the king H1N9 himself! There was plenty of team killing as both staff killed each other and players fought inbetween themselves. But in the end H1N9 went down in a blaze of glory. Well done Fruitsters! And thankyou builder's for such a amazing event!
Well done to the following players for achieving particular goals:
Slaying Goldsta: TBNRbobby
Most staff killed: VaniishG
Landed the final blow on H1N9: Soup_or_Stew
On Friday we had Boat Races, so many rounds far out! We ended up having 10 rounds it was that popular. I couldn't believe how close the races were! There was even some traffic jams on some of the races oh my. Well done to the winners and their co-drivers:
Round 1: evilmeister
Round 2: MiniMajic
Round 3: VaniishG
Round 4: Kooper94
Round 5: Loopsyy
Round 6: DepressedLemur
Round 7: VaniishG
Round 8: OrangeJewce
Round 9: VaniishG
Round 10 (Staff round): Glacie
Tonight we had round 2 of Regicide! New and improved with all kinds of changes like better armor for players and toned down regen for all players. I saw some great teamwork with players teaming up on certain staff *cough* demski. We shall be hosting the event again soon, we will let you know when :)
Congratulations to the following players for achieving certain goals:
Landing the final blow on the King H1N9: Hellblessed
Slaying the most staff: Briezyy
Skyblock is up next with their event of the week!
Thursday night was Pop Quiz! I hope you were able to answer all the questions you could!
Well done to these players for winning:
Round 1: Ennthropy
Round 2: LittleAmee
Round 3: Monkitteh
Round 4: UnclTobysSon
Notable Weddings
Glacie |
❤ | RhedaWarrior |
Kailee | ❤ | __jenna |
mr_cr3ative | ❤ | Peachy_Pear |
Aleistar | ❤ | dahappymammoth |
MiniMajic | ❤ | Razdog789359 |
Karbzee | ❤ | CloudGames123 |
The theme for June's build competition is Steampunk! This is a somewhat complex theme that has been thrown around for a while now. Steampunk can be described as - "a genre of science fiction that has a historical setting and typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology." This theme will require players to come up with unique ideas and hopefully spend weeks working on their project. We expect to see great things!

Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 30th June.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.
End of Post.