We killed the King!

Hello Fruitsters!! Now that Regicide is over it's time for a weekly recap! We had a major event on this week twice! Wednesday night debuted Regicide! How exciting was that! Let's get to it! Donating Statistics Survival Skyblock Player Count:... Read More

Written by Zozua
Colour Update!

Hello Fruitsters!! Can you believe it's already been a week since the last post! In that time we have a new minecraft update :o So many colours! :D Donating Statistics Survival Skyblock Player Count: 13145! Player Count: 2877! Currently 96%... Read More

Written by Zozua
Halfway through the year!

Hi Fruitsters!! Welcome to another weekly post by your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Zozua! Can you believe it's already June?! Man times flies when you're having fun :D Lets get to it then! Donating Statistics Survival Skyblock Player Count: 12821! Player... Read More

Written by Zozua
Mother's Day

Hello Fruitsters! Welcome to another weekly post with none other then Zozua himself! After a busy weekend of looking after the Mothers in our life, here's what happened this week! Donating Statistics Survival Skyblock Player Count: 12051! Player Count: 1893!... Read More

Written by Zozua
Easter is Finished!

Hello there Fruitsters! Zozua here with this weeks post. With Easter finishing up on Monday we haven't stopped having fun. We had 3 events running this week on Survival and another 2 on Skyblock! What a busy week we have... Read More

Written by Zozua