Reminder: Player made events.

Hello fruitlings! Now this post is kind of important, well important for those of you wanting to host events. We have decided to try out a new scheme which will allows players to build and host their own events. So... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
An experiment ...

Hello fruitlings! Now this post is kind of important, well important for those of you wanting to host events. We have decided to try out a new scheme which will allows players to build and host their own events. So... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Easter Event Recaps!

Hello everyone!! Hoping you had a great easter weekend! And here now, we bring you the juicy recap of the long weekend events!! :D So sit yourselves down, grab some popcorn, and relax! Prop Hunt Winners For this easter version... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Easter Long Weekend Events!!!

Hello hello hello everyone!!! And what a weekend do we have planned for you! FOUR days of action packed, exciting events!! As we all recieved on the website, H1N9 created a lovely invitation with such an adorable bunny for everyone,... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Capture the Flag Recap!!

Hello everyone!! So the event we had on Friday nigth was Capture the Flag as we all know!! It was full of fun and exciting battles, some gruesome deaths and if we're honest ... a bit of team killing occured (shame... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Capture the Flag!

Prepare yourselves for an evening of running, jumping, ducking, dodging .. and of course, flag taking! This event will be like standard capture the flag … but in the air! Credit to Mobbmaster for initially coming up with this fantastic event and... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Bloo's Build Battle recap!

This was the first and earliest event we’ve ever held on FruitSurvival, and although there weren’t as many people as the usual Friday Night events, the atmosphere was still very fun and entertaining. We repeated the same procedure... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Friday and Saturday Recap!

Well well well ... this certainly was confusing! As we all know PvP Touranment was schedueled for Friday nights event, however ... last minute we discovered that pvp decided to simply stop working. But despite this, the staff team pulled together and... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
PvP Tournament!

Hello everyone! So this Friday's event is PvP Tournament! With the new PvP arena playing host to your deaths this week! Thank you to Aphrodiite_ and Illumination on the build, it's looking splendid! Now to business! How to compete: To... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Obstacle Course Recap!!

Hello everyone! So as we all know, yesterday's event was Obstacle Course, hosted and created by the only and only Windy! Whoops! I mean BRIEZYY! He has been working hard the past few days to create a course that challenges... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Obstacle Course, Briezyy Style!

Hey everyone! Briezyy here giving you some information on the upcoming obstacle course that I and a bunch of amazing fruitlings have been working on the past few days, it will be held this fruitilicious hump day (wednesday) at 8pm.... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Treasure Hunt Recap!

Hey again Fellow Fruity people,  Crazy Cat Lady Tia bringing you the recap from the event on Friday night - Tizey’s Treasure Hunt! What a turn out!!! We were really impressed with how many of you gave this event... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Treasure Hunt!

Hello Fellow Fruisters, Crazy Cat Lady Tialis here bringing you the information for this coming Fridays event – Treasure Hunt - !  Briezyy and I have been working very hard, with the help of some fellow staff to bring you an incredible... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle

Hello Everyone! So tomorrow is the start of us experimenting on what days work best for users and staff for events! This week we have the charming Mobbmaster ready and willing to host the first hump day event! His chosen... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Fantasy Hide n Seek!

Hello everyone! For this week's Friday night event we have Hide 'n' Seek ... fantasy style!!!! Our lovely builders EnCrYpTeDPaNdA, Cahms, Redeadflame31 and Aphrodiite_ have worked hard to push this build out fast so you can all enjoy hunting for the... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Change of event notice.

Hello everyone! So this friday we were meant to host a PvP mystery event. However due to 1.9 coming out with many new and exciting changes we decided to hold off on a PvP style event! We have therefore... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Bloo's Build Battle Recap!

We are all very happy to announce that this event was one of the most favourable and unique events to happen in Fruit Servers, and it couldn't have been better without any of you. Every plot created by members were... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Bloo's Build Battle Event

Hello everyone! So this week's schedueled event is, like the title, Bloo's Build Battle! So when the time of the exciting new event comes, players will be given the warp. This is a team event. So prizes will be distributed... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
A New Leaf

Hello everyone! For a while now we have felt our events page is dwindling behind on constant new information and is not being viewed enough. As well as housing the up and coming events calendar, we have decided to do... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
So it begins ...

Ahoy ther' me hearty fruitlings! Bringin' to ye the weekly post with all the news from the fruit bowl! (Sorry i don't speak fluent pirate). Gosh this week has been a busy one, full of adventuring and wonderment! Scaling mountains,... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
:O It's almost Febuary?!

Survival Statistics * Number of players since opening day: 17876 * Current monthly donation progress: 282% * Current monthly top donator: Illumination Skyblock Statistics * Number of players since opening day: 2173 * Current monthly donation progress: 100% * Current monthly top donator: EZ420 The News:... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle
Mixin it up!

Hello there Fruitsters! And look at what we have here? Is this meant to be here? Surely not! ipoodalittle must have flopped again! Ah but alas, it is meant to be here, so no laughing at her today! H1N9 has... Read More

Written by ipoodalittle